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what we do
Transform organizations & processes
transform organizations
Redesign organizations to gain agility and optimize decision making
Nearshoring / Off-shoring
Merging of entities
Governance framework
Streamline and digitalize processes to gain operational efficiency and enhance performance management
Robotic process automation
Performance improvement
Disclosure management
Fast closing
Infuse an innovative culture and new ways of working
Innovation labs
Design thinking
Collaborative work
Talent skillset evolution
build digital platforms
Build digital platforms
Design the digital roadmap of corporate functions to unlock maximum value from new technologies
Target operating model
Data framework
Provide guidance to select the most appropriate digital solutions
Voice of users
Experience map
Use cases
Prototype / Proof Of Concept
Co-develop digital platforms by implementing new technologies, adopting new ways of working and exploring new uses of data
Minimum Viable Product
Agile Methodology
Data quality / New uses
New roles
design new businessmodels
Design new business models
Analyze, shape and co-create new « business models » to generate new sources of revenues
Competitive Intelligence
Feasibility opportunity
Business case
Leverage your know-how and your digital platforms to commercialize « as-a-service » solutions
Target clients
Operating model
Skills set definition
Design your marketing and commercial strategy
Platform building
Marketing strategy
Sales strategy
Provide ready-to-use methods on our consulting e-store
Ancre 4
Access to our proprietary e-store where ready-to-use methods and tools are centralized to help you shape, structure, and run your projects
Access to on-demand personalised consulting to implement these methods at scale
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